Key Facts

About Us

We provide creative solutions to clients in all types of industry,
creating things that get attention and meaningful.

Our History

Founded in 2012, Swoopu Technology is a provider of IT consulting and software development services. We have helped non-IT organizations and software product companies improve business performance and quickly win new customers.

With over 10 years in Information Technology, we have built up expertise in CRM, Ecommerce, Data Analytics, DMS, Case Administration & Management System, and conquered such innovative fields as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Big Data, Natural Language Process and Computer Vision.

We are located in Vancouver British Columbia Canada and we have been servicing many different sorts of business around western Canada.

Our Vision

We help non-IT organizations to improve business performance, optimize customer service, and tap in digital transformation. Ultimately, we support our client to become a data-driven business organizations.

There are generally two types of missions that we want to fulfills: create Insights, and build Products. Insights are about creating and sharing results for decision-making, objective setting and monitoring. Products are about creating value in the form of product features for our customers.

Our mission is that ensure our clients to succeed in business growth, product design, risk management, production operation and performance monitoring.

Applying Neo4j for Knowledge Discovery

Neo4j Graph Database for
Knowledge Discovery

Some facts about our services
Projects completed
99 %
Positive feedback
Tasks ordered
$ 58
Average cost per hour
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Latest News

Graph enchanced Machine Learning

Neo4j for Graph Data Science

At Neo4j, we have always been user-driven and we know that many of you are dealing with increasingly complex questions and uncertain situations. One of our biggest user communities are …